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One of the most famous medicinal mushrooms is the Reishi, also known as Ganoderma lucidum. This mushroom is known as "The Mushroom of Immortality" and has been prescribed for at least 3000 years in Eastern Medicine. In 1990 the Japanese government officially listed Reishi mushroom as an adjunct herb for cancer treatment. Reishi is being used with favorable results in cancer research centers around the world. Reishi is perhaps one of the world's most well-known, widely used medicinal mushrooms. It is available in the whole form, which is a thick, shelf mushroom, and also in tincture, powdered and pill form.

Chaga, also known as Inonotus psilocybin pills obliquus, is being used around the world for treating cancer. Historically, the mushroom has been used in Poland and Western Siberia for centuries Russian folklore tells of a fungus that grows on birch trees that is effective in treating a variety of cancers. Chaga "tea" is an infusion of the mushroom given to cancer patients. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has reports that Chaga has been used to successfully treat cancer. Chaga is proving to be one of the most important medicinal mushrooms for cancer treatment.