What Is Cardio - A New Approach to Cardiovascular Workouts

Most people would think that lifting weights means body building, or just weight training to strengthen the body. Reality is that if you do 10-15 reps of barbell or kettelbell or dumbbell clean and press, where you go as hard as possible and as fast as possible - your heart will pump much harder than if you go for an hour jog at a steady pace. 

I went once to do some hill sprints. I chose a hill near my house of about 100 meters or even more and I did 3-4 sprints up hill. I walked down to the bottom of it and the simply run as fast as possible cardio all the way up. When I got to the top I was hardly breathing, I could not stay standing, it was that hard, just a simple short run of 100 meters up hill. Repeating 3 or 4 times with some rest in between each sprint. Great workout that will get your heart going much faster in much less time than a whole hour of jogging. Even if you do some body weight squats for 5 minutes straight with little rest between sets you are already doing better than that boring steady pace jog.