Using an Employment Agency Can Really Speed Up Your Job Hunt

Many businesses employ only through an employment agency, finding this to be more efficient than handling the initial advertising and examinations in-house. This is especially true for larger organisations and companies wishing to initially maintain their anonymity. Corporations operating in a sensitive field also use employment agencies to hire personnel. If you choose to avoid using an agency, you will unfortunately be out of the running for many of the highest paying, professional positions. 

If you are looking for a temporary หาแม่บ้าน or half-time job or contract work, you may have better luck using an agency, as many of these jobs change working locations frequently. If you want a full-time position, many companies hire temporary or half-time employees and then convert those jobs to full-time; indeed, at some companies, starting as a temporary or half-time employee is the only way to secure regular full-time employment.