talk to strangers online in free chat rooms

When you feel awkward talking with a stranger, don't put yourself down for being nervous. Don't criticize yourself mentally for being imperfect at making small talk. Putting yourself down for being imperfect will just make your performance get worse. You will get even more tongue tied and awkward. Instead, give yourself permission to be less than perfect when making conversation, and go on from there.

Treat small talk with strangers as a skill you want to master. That means you need to have plenty of opportunity to make talk to strangers online in free chat rooms mistakes. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. That means you are experimenting and learning. Eventually you will become better at making conversation with new people.

Learning to successfully make small talk with strangers is a skill that can pay off in many ways. If you are good at making conversation with new people, it will help you to become a successful networker in your career.