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The simple technique to facing and feeling and experiencing your pain, instead of masking it over with a pill, is to incorporate the Lower Self Meditation. This is a very simple and easy to implement form of meditation that you can do on your own right now, and let's be clear - the key word is meditation, not medication. Here is the process for implementing this healing approach: Simply close your eyes, sitting upright, and take a few deep breaths to relax your body. Focus in on your pain in your body - this can be any pain, including physical, emotional or psychological. Simply sit with the pain and allow your body to FULLY FEEL the pain, while you are deliberately focusing on and meditating on your pain. You may bring in a mental image into your mind that relates to this pain. This mental image could be past, present or future. For example, you may have emotional pain around feeling worthless or having lost a loved one, or feeling like there is no hope for the future. Simply bring this mental image into your mind and connect this will the feeling of pain in your body. Allow yourself to observe in a CALM MANNER, like you are a scientist observing cells in a petri-dish, the uncomfortable feeling of pain in your body. Do this for 30-45 minutes TWICE a day. Try this for one month and you will notice a dramatic shift in your response to pain.

What you can expect is the following: You will notice after meditating on your pain in your body, that after a short buy norco online period of time, it begins to lessen and dissolve! This is because feelings are designed to be FELT. When you fully FEEL an emotion, the energy of the emotion is then released and thus the emotion, or in this case the feeling of pain is also released. There are of course, thousands of layers of pain within a typical person's average sized PAIN BODY. When you focus on one layer and it dissolves, go to another, and so on. After 30 days you will have dissolved more than a hundred layers of pain from your emotional pain body if you have done this process correctly. This is the most significant step in you becoming freed from bondage.