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It must have been the 950th time I'd tried to get a handle on my addiction to pain pills (Vicodin was my favorite) - something that had started out as a drug I took every once in a while for fun, but was turning into an every-chance-I-get habit - and failed. I was starting to get really scared, scared that I'd have to stay in this hell hole that was taking away my life and my money and my family, and I vowed not to give up until I was out of the clutches of this addiction to opiate pain pills.

Finally, finally, finally, I DID quit Vicodin, and in this article I want to share with you a couple of the things I did that buy oxycodone online made a huge difference. First of all, I used an acupressure technique I'd learned that flattened desires to take pills like nobody's business. If I did this technique morning and night, it made a huge difference in the intensity of the cravings.