Mesotherapy involves the use of medication compounds injected right into localized areas of the skin for fast absorption into the dermis layer. This fairly new procedure has rapidly become the latest trend for eliminating localized fat deposits and cellulite. Some new studies suggest it may also have some anti-aging benefits. Mesotherapy claims to work by delivering tiny amounts of all natural extracts of vitamins and other pharmaceutical agents directly into the dermis, which then starts to melt away the fat deposits trapped inside the dermis layer which form part of the cellulite problem. It also claims to improve circulation, repair weakened connective skin tissue and improve lymphatic drainage. 

After an injection of the mesotharapy เมโสหน้าใส medication, practictioners claim your body will begin the process of stimulation and start to heal itself. Mesotherapy is usually practiced to target localized areas on the body for cellulite treatment, however it can also be used over the entire body for overall fat reduction. Mesotherapy is virtually painless with little or no side effects other than possible bruising or swelling which will usually last about a week and clear up. Comprehensive scientific studies on the effectiveness of Mesotherapy at reducing fat and cellulite is limited in the established medical community. Mesotherapy has been practiced in European cities for well over a decade with generally positive overall annecdotal results and has also reported a good safety track record.